Healthy Hair Begins
With a Healthy Scalp
Private trichology consultations to effectively assess and explore treatment options for a variety of hair and scalp conditions.
Private trichology consultations deliver individualized attention to effectively evaluate each client and develop a successful plan that addresses your hair and scalp concerns. A certified trichologist can help you with a number of conditions, such as dryness or oiliness of the scalp, hair breakage, chronic dandruff, scalp sensitivity, itching, and hair thinning or excessive shedding.
If you have been diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or eczema of the scalp, trichotillomania, telogen effluvium or you may have questions about certain supplements or medications and the impact they can have on your hair and scalp, a private consultation can answer all your questions. A certified trichologist can also help if you are experiencing hair and scalp changes due to chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
A consultation with Sharon Clohesy, I.O.T. Certified Trichologist of Hair and Scalp 360 LLC, begins with a discussion of the many important internal and external factors that can affect your hair and scalp. Some of the external factors include a review of your hair care products to make sure they are working for you and not against you, as well as a review of your hair care regimen. Internal factors can range from past and present health conditions, supplements and medications, nutrition, lifestyle, and a variety of other factors depending on your specific condition.
Each consultation is completed with a microscopic examination of the scalp environment, hair follicle opening, and hair shaft. After reviewing the information obtained during the consultation and exam, you will be presented with a formal non-medical diagnosis and treatment plan.
You will also learn which products are suitable for your hair texture and type, and how to properly use those products. Your consultation will help you understand which hair and scalp products are suitable for your specific hair and scalp needs, and how to use the products correctly. This knowledge is guaranteed to help you understand your choices when purchasing hair and scalp products.
Sharon’s consultations are designed to help you understand the options that are available to you and which option is best. If that’s as simple as changing a haircare product, great! If a more involved process and multi-dimensional approach are needed to give you the results you are looking, Sharon will ensure you understand how and why!
However, if after an in-depth consultation, Sharon feels that your hair and scalp concerns cannot be resolved by a non-medical approach, she will advise you with the information necessary to have a discussion with your general practitioner or dermatologist for a medical assessment. Sharon is always sure to deliver recommendations that are accurate and right for you!
Sharon Clohesy is an I.A.T., IoT Certified Trichologist, Licensed Cosmetologist and Educator
To schedule a private consultation with Sharon, contact her at (978) 856-5774, or complete the form below.
If I have already visited a medical professional about my hair loss concerns, will a visit with a trichologist offer any additional benefits?
Yes. A certified trichologist specializes in the study of hair and scalp conditions and will offer you an analysis that can help address your concerns with suggestions for a non-medical treatment plan when appropriate. However, if during your visit it is determined that a medical consult may be in your best interest, we will discuss and encourage such a consult.
If I schedule a personal consult can I continue to see my own cosmetologist or barber?
Absolutely! A trichologist does not replace your hair care professional, but assists in helping you take the best care of your hair and scalp. Clients who schedule a personal trichology consult will never be solicited for any other services outside of the trichology spectrum.
Are appointments necessary for a personal consult?
Yes, to ensure sufficient time and attention for a comprehensive assessment and plenty of time to ask all your questions, an appointment is required.
Will my health insurance cover trichology visits?
No, trichology consultations are non-medical, and not recognized by health insurance providers. Each visit must be paid for at the time of service by either credit card, cash or personal check.
During the consultation will we discuss the hair care products that are best for my hair?
Yes, as part of each consultation, after completing my full assessment, we will discuss the proper hair care regimen, products, and ingredients that your hair and scalp will benefit from.